The thing with envy. - baj.

The thing with envy.

Envy is an emotion that we often shy away from or feel ashamed to acknowledge. It's a green-eyed monster that can consume you, making you feel inadequate or resentful towards others who seem to have what you possibly lack. But what if you viewed envy through a different lens? What if, instead of being a negative force, envy could be seen as a powerful indicator of your true desires and longings?

Envy isn't just about wanting what someone else has. It's a mirror reflecting your deepest wishes and aspirations. When you feel envious, it's often because you see something in another peoples life that resonates with what you really want for yourself. It might be a successful career, a loving relationship, a particular lifestyle, or even certain personality traits. Recognizing this can be the first step towards understanding what you genuinely long for and the first step to taking action.

For many, envy is accompanied by a sense of guilt or self-criticism. You may berate yourself for feeling envious, thinking it makes you petty or small-minded. However, it's essential to shift this perspective. Envy is a natural human emotion, and feeling it doesn't make you a bad person. At least not if you shift your approach to it away from the other person back to your inner self. By acknowledging your envy, you can start to explore these feelings and what they reveal about your goals and dreams.

Once you identify what envy is telling you about your wishes, you can take proactive steps to transform exactly that envy into motivation. For example, if you envy a friend's successful business, it might be a sign that you have entrepreneurial ambitions of your own. By recognizing this, you can start taking steps towards building your business, seeking out knowledge, and working towards your goals. What steps can you take to achieve what you desire? Break down your goals into manageable tasks and start working towards them.

Instead of comparing yourself negatively to others, seek inspiration from their achievements. Learn from their journeys and apply those lessons to your path. And even if you might not be where you want to be, be grateful for what you already have and what is coming along your way. I know I sound like a broken record, but gratitude will always be the key for a happy life. 

For me, running a fashion label while being a practicing lawyer and dealing with mental health challenges, envy has often reared its head. I've envied the success of others, the seemingly effortless balance others maintain, and the accolades they receive. I know, its often more show than anything else (the gras is always greener on the other side), but that doesn’t matter. What matters is, it showed me where I want to be, if its real for them or not. I am still learning to view these feelings differently. Envy has shown me what I genuinely value – creativity, recognition, and a harmonious work-life balance. Latter did for sure not work out so far, haha.

And the thing is, if you swift the approach to the feeling of envy, it becomes a not so bad feeling. Because it stops being connected to this certain person oder business or whatever, and becomes all about you. You turn inward instead of being outside. It becomes just a guideline and not something that is bad towards other people. By embracing these insights, I've been able to focus on what truly matters to me. 

So the next time you feel that familiar pang of envy, take a moment to reflect on what it's telling you about your own aspirations. Embrace it, learn from it, and let it guide you towards the life you truly want. No matter what emotion, one thing is for sure, they will always be our greatest guidelines.

xx baj.

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